Gorsev Argin
Gorsev (Izmir, 1987) is currently a Ph.D. candidate and working as an RA/TA at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and continuing her research as a visiting researcher at KU Leuven.
She completed her bachelor’s degree in City and Regional Planning (2009) and received master’s degree in Urban Design (2012) at Middle East Technical University (METU). During her master’s studies, she attended the University of Milano-Bicocca (2011). She worked on several projects including “Green Certificate for Buildings and Settlements” project (2017), which is carried out by ITU and the Ministry of Environment & Urbanization (Turkey). In her Ph.D. dissertation, she strives to explore the effects of the advances in mobile technologies on the urban experience with a particular focus on flânerie.
Research areas: urban experience, spatial cognition, sense of place, place-memory relations, urban design, mapping