Caroline Claus
Caroline (Ghent, 1980) is a Brussels-based urban (sound) researcher. Her work concentrates on the position of noise and vibration in a context of urban development.
The ontological turn in sound studies, feminist theory and the avant-garde output of independent electronic record labels provide a conceptual and methodological basis for a trans-disciplinary research into sonic urbanism as speculative practice. Caroline has contributed to the design of urban railway park/places and transitory/participatory processes. She has long term experience in supporting organizations in the social sphere in their organization of outreach-based community involvement in Brussels urban development processes. Caroline studied Sociology, and Urbanism and Spatial Planning (Cum Laude) and is currently doing a Ph.D. at the KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Brussels. Her second book, a collaboration with Q-O2, was published in november 2018. Caroline teaches with Dr. Burak Pak the KU Leuven maib14 Design Studio Studio_L28.
Research Areas: sonic urbanism, crossbenching, sonic arts, sonic cyberfeminism, outreach-based research