You Xinzhu

You Xinzhu

Master Design Studio

Caroline Claus & Burak Pak

Sonic Urbanism Studio_L28 18-19

Sonic strategy

Redesign sonic effects to improve and rich the sonic experience in West station area.
A slow square to eliminate the wall effect in front of the station.
A sonic box to generates a cut-out effect (the sound of the train) and anamnesis effect (recordings of memories).
A fountain to make a mask effect that can block the sounds of trains.
A series of interactive installations attract people and provide different sonic effects.
A round bridge inspirited by Chinese ancient architecture that can generate echo effect.
A sonic forest absorbs the sounds of trains.
A chair wall filter to scatter the sounds of trains.
A rainy canopy on the platform that can collect rain and generate immersion effect for people to hear the sound of rain while waiting the train.

Urban strategy

To make west station a sequential space. A promenade route between the new buildings and the West station. The echo bridge connects original residential buildings, the West station and new buildings. A sonic forest between the original buildings and the West station has a positive effect on neighbourhood participation. A chair wall filter for waiting the trains.

Architecture strategy

Change the busy, noisy traffic square into a slow square in front of the west station. Insert a sonic box in west station to make a box in box area that generates cut-out effect (the sound of the train) and anamnesis effect (recordings of memories). A train spotting area for people to watch the train and talking with each other. A café plaza as a recreation place for encountering, waiting and informal talking. Semi-public skateboarding route in front of new buildings for skateboarding and also works as informal stages.
A series of interactive installations to attract people. The echo bridge that connects two sides of the West station and platform. A sonic forest with sonic installations for leisure. A rainy canopy on the platform for waiting the trains.